The Ikaros Team

Here is the list of people that are currently working on or have contributed to the Ikaros project
Christian Balkenius | OS X Distribution, The Simulation Kernel, WebUI, Many Learning and Vision Modules |
Jan Morén | Linux Distribution, GUI for Linux, Many Learning and Brain Modules. |
Birger Johansson | Interface modules for mobile robots and template based visual navigation, Windows version |
Magnus Johnsson | Somatosensory processing and cortical plasticity; Haptic perception with a robotic hand |
Christopher G. Prince | Multiple modules for SenseStream, InputQTAudio, OutputQTAudioVisual... |
Vin Þorsteinsdóttir | Action selection in the basal ganglia |
Stefan Winberg | Contextual reinforcement learning |
Alexander Kolodziej | ANNs, Robot control |
Rasmus Arnling Bååth | Robot control and exploration |
Stefan Karlsson | 3D interpretation of edges |
Sigurbirna Hafliðadóttir | Robot exploration |
Marie Gustafsson | The Brain Database - A Proof of Concept. A pilot study of the brain database and automatic validation of Ikaros models using semantic web techniques. |
Sepp Kollmorgen | The Brain Database - ESYLM: Evaluator of System Level Models. |
Sylvia Schröder | The Brain Database - ESYLM: Evaluator of System Level Models. |
Martin Butz | NeuralGas module with WebUI object. |
Alexander Förster | Bouncing ball simulation. |
Jens Månsson | Visual contour reconstruction and stereopsis. |
Håkan Jonson | Visual flow |
Kolbjörn Gripne | First Windows port. |
Anders Karlström | Generalizing look-up tables. |
Mikael Asker | Visual attention, NetworkCamera module |
Gianguglielmo Calvi | Integration between Ikaros and AKIRA, an artificial knowledge interface for reasoning applications. |
Asas Innab | Animation modules. |
Bjarni Birgisson | Animation modules. |
Olof Knape | Looking behaviors |
Zahra Gharaee | Action recognition |
Trond Arild Trøstheim | Slider control, animation modules, deep convolutional networks. |
Erik Jansson | Visual attention |
Thobias Bergström | Visual attention |
Tim Nilsson | Visual attention |
Henrik Siljebråt | Reinforcement learning |
Simon Holk | Robot attention |
Sara Lindgren | Robot attention |
Rasmus Olofzon | Robot attention |
Julia Rosén | Robot attention |
Daniel Myhrman | Robot looking behavior |
Johan Svensson | Robot looking behavior |
Shan Langlais | Robot looking behavior |
Rosanna Ljungren | Robot looking behavior |
Erik Andersson | Head orientation tracking |
Hanna Andréason | Head orientation tracking |
Björn Holmstedt | Head orientation tracking |
Filip Olsson | Head orientation tracking |
Filip Ström | Head orientation tracking |
Hannes Sandberg | Expressions of mental states in a humanoid robot |
Marcus Liljenberg | Expressions of mental states in a humanoid robot |
Max Eriksson | Expressions of mental states in a humanoid robot |
Markus Lindberg | Expressions of mental states in a humanoid robot |
Carl Johan Balck | Energy conservation in robot motions |
Kim Johansson | Energy conservation in robot motions |
Alexander Ljungqvist | Energy conservation in robot motions |
Alexander Lindgren | Energy conservation in robot motions |
Anton Lundborg | Thowing-actions in a humanoid robot |
Filip Bontin | Thowing-actions in a humanoid robot |
Mikael Nilsson | Thowing-actions in a humanoid robot |
Martin Kareliusson | Thowing-actions in a humanoid robot |