This is a list of the 135 standard modules in Ikaros.
- Abs rectifies a signal
- Add adds two inputs
- Arbiter selects between two inputs
- ArgMax selects maximum element
- ArrayToMatrix split an input array and concatenate a output matrix
- AttentionFocus selects an image region
- AttentionWindow selects an object region
- Average calculates average over time
- CIFaceDetector wraps Apple's CIFaceDetector
- CalibrateCameraPosition outputs the position and rotation of the camera using an artoolkit marker.
- CannyEdgeDetector finds edges
- ChangeDetector detects flicker
- CircleDetector find circles in an image
- CoarseCoder encodes a two-dimensional value in a vector
- ColorClassifier tracks colored objects
- ColorMatch match a color
- ColorTransform transforms between color spaces
- Constant outputs a constant value
- Counter counts signals
- Delay delays a signal
- DelayOne Delay
- DepthBlobList segments into depth planes
- DepthContourTrace segments into depth planes
- DepthHistogram segments into depth planes
- DepthPointList converts an RGB-D image to a h_matrix list
- DepthSegmentation segments into depth planes
- DepthTransform segments into depth planes
- Dilate dilates an image
- Distance calculates a distance
- Divide divides the first input with the second
- DoGFilter applies a DoG filter
- Downsample halves an image
- Dynamixel interfaces Dynamixel servos
- DynamixelConfigure configures Dynamixel servos
- EdgeSegmentation finds edges
- Epuck interfaces the e-puck robot
- Erode erodes an image
- FASTDetector finds curvature points
- FadeCandy minimal example module
- FunctionGenerator functions of times
- Fuse Fuses streams of coordinate transformations
- GLRobotSimulator simulates a robot
- GaborFilter filters an image
- Gate gates a signal
- GaussianEdgeDetector finds edges and orientations
- GaussianFilter applies a Gaussian filter
- GridWorld simple agent and world simulator
- HarrisDetector finds curvature points
- Histogram generates a histogram
- HysteresisThresholding adaptive edge threshold
- ImageConvolution filter an image
- InputFile reads a text file
- InputJPEG reads JPEG files
- InputPNG reads PNG files
- InputQTAudio reads audio from a QuickTime movie
- InputQTMovie reads a QuickTime movie
- InputRawImage reads images RAW format
- InputVideo grabs video using FFmpeg
- InputVideoAV grabs images from QuickTime camera
- InputVideoFile reads a video file using FFmpeg
- InputVideoQT grabs images from QuickTime camera
- IntegralImage calculate integral image
- Integrator sums input over time
- IntervalCoder encodes a value in a vector
- IntervalDecoder decodes an interval coded vector
- KNN (K Nearest Neighbors) using a KD-tree
- KNN_Pick chooses a class based on some elements (neighbors)
- KalmanFilter a standard Kalman filter
- Kinect grabs images from Kinect or Xtion
- LinearAssociator learns a linear mapping
- LinearSplines computes linear spline functions
- LoGFilter applies a DoG filter
- LocalApproximator chooses a class based on some elements (neighbors)
- M02_Amygdala an amygdala model
- M02_Cortex a cortex model
- M02_Hippocampus a hippocampus model
- M02_OFC an model of orbitofrontal cortex
- M02_SensoryCortex a (naive) cortex model
- M02_Thalamus a thalamus model
- MPIFaceDetector a face detector from MPT
- MarkerTracker finds markers in an image
- MatrixMultiply multiplies two matrices
- Max maximum of two inputs
- Maxima selects maximum element
- MazeGenerator generates a perfect maze
- Mean Means inputs
- MedianFilter applies a median filter
- Min minimum of two inputs
- MinimalModule minimal example module
- Multiply multiplies two inputs
- MyModule minimal example module
- NetworkCamera grabs images from network camera
- Noise adds noise
- Normalize normalizes its input
- OuterProduct outer product of two inputs
- OutputFile generates a text file
- OutputJPEG writes JPEG files
- OutputPNG writes PNG files
- OutputQTAudioVisual writes QuickTime movies with audio
- OutputRawImage writes images in RAW format
- OutputVideoFile save to a video file
- PIDController standard PID controller
- Perceptron single layer of perceptrons
- Phidgets controlling a Phidgets IOBoard
- PlanarArm simulation of a simple arm and a target object
- Polynomial calculates polynomial
- PrewittEdgeDetector finds edges
- Product multiplies all input
- QLearning simple Q-learning
- Randomizer generates random values
- RobertsEdgeDetector finds edges
- RotationConverter converts between rotation notations
- SSC32 interfaces the SSC-32 RC servos
- SaliencePoints converts points to a saliency map
- SaliencyMap a saliency map
- Scale scales a signal
- Select selects maximum element
- SelectMax selects maximum element
- SobelEdgeDetector finds edges
- Softmax calculates softmax
- SoundOutput plays a sound file
- SpatialClustering finds clusters of pixels
- SpectralTiming encodes a signal in a set of temporal components
- Submatrix Submatrixs matrix elements
- Subtract subtracts two inputs
- Sum sums inputs
- Sweep produces a sequence of values
- TappedDelayLine encodes a signal as a time series
- Threshold applies a threshold
- Trainer trains a learning module
- Transform transforms a set of matrices
- Upsample doubles an image
- WhiteBalance removes colorisation from an image
- YARPPort ikaros to YARP network communication
- ZeroCrossings finds zero crossings in an image