Contributing to Ikaros

A contribution can either consist of a single module or a collection of modules. The instructions for each of the cases are given below. Note that submissions that does not adhere to these requirements will probably not be included in Ikaros.

If your are submitting bug fixes or additions outside any modules, there is no formal requirements, but the same submission page can be used anyway.

Submitting a Module

Each module should use its own directory with the same name as the module. The required files for a module X are:

The .h and .cc should be based on the examples in MyModule. The file X.html documents the capabilities of the module and the example file X_test.xml should include a minimal example that can be run directly to test the module.

In addition, there may be other source files and examples. If possible, also include a Makefile for the module.

Take a look at the standard modules in Ikaros for examples of these files and directory structure.

Submitting a Collection

A collection of modules is a set of modules that interacts. For example, a cognitive model may be made up of a number of modules. If this is the case, the modules should be submitted together as a collection. If the different modules are useful on their own, they may better be submitted individually instead.

If you are contributing a collection of modules, follow the rules for each module as described above. In addition, include a UserModules.h file that includes all the modules.

You proabbly also want to include one or several example files that demonstrates how the files are supposed to interact with each other together with a more complete description of the collection of modules.

General Instructions

Take care to fill in all fields of the submission form. This will greatly simplify the manual work required to but you submission on the web site.